Winterberry Ilex verticillata Winterberry Holly
Hardiness Zones: Zones 3-9
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Shade
Water Requirements: Regular water is ideal
Mature Height: 3-15 feet
Mature Spread: 3-15 feet
Shape: Oval to rounded
Growth Rate: Slow
Soil Preference: Prefers moist acidic, does not do well with high pH. Tolerates poorly drained and compacted soil.
Foliage: 2 to 3 inch dark green leaves
Blooms: Tiny white flowers in clusters early to mid summer
Fruit: Abundant red, orange or yellow fruit
Disease and Insects: May be mildly affected by leaf spot and powdery mildew.
Fertilize: Does not typically need feeding unless growth is exceptionally slow. Apply a half cup 10-10-10 granular fertilzer at the base of the shrub
Pruning: May sucker, remove suckers at the base or even below ground level to control spread
Winterberry is stunning in late autumn and winter when the abundant fruit is mature. But not all Winterberry will produce fruit. Only female plants that have been pollinated will set fruit, and a male pollinator must be nearby. One male plant can pollinate as many as twenty females if planted within 40 feet of one another. They will grow well in full sun to part shade, but when the female plants receive full sun, fruit is more plentiful.
Winterberry is tolerant of poorly drained soils, preferring moist and acidic and loves to grow along the edge of a pond, lake or marsh. ‘Jim Dandy’ is the most common pollinator, but make sure you get an appropriate pollinator for your female variety.
‘Sparkleberry’ is an award winning variety that is commonly used. It reaches 12’ high and 12’ wide with an upright growth habit, and is leggy at the base. With this nearly natural tree form, a little extra pruning at the base would produce a more tree like shape. Abundant bright red fruit often hangs on until spring. This female winterberry uses ‘Apollo’ or ‘Southern Gentleman’ as a pollinator.
‘Red Sprite’ is a compact female holly with dark green glossy foliage. Vivid red fruit makes a striking winter display. Reaches 2-3 feet high and 3-4 feet wide at maturity, up to 5 feet tall and wide. The compact size and rounded shape is ideal for the front of a shrub border. Uses ‘Jim Dandy’ as a pollinator.
About those male cultivars:
‘Jim Dandy’- 6 feet tall by 5 feet wide, Plant with 'Afterglow', 'Aurantiaca', Berry Heavy®, Berry Nice®, 'Cacapon', First Editions® Wildfire™, 'Goldfinch', and 'Red Sparkler'
‘Southern Gentleman’ - 9 feet tall by 8 feet wide. Plant with 'Sparkleberry' and Winter Red®
‘Late male’ - 9 feet tall by 8 feet wide. Plant with Winter Red®