Keeping a Garden Journal
Recording garden information in a journal can be valuable for both beginner and experienced gardeners
We always think we will remember exactly what we planted where in our gardens. But the one thing 15 years ago that I did not record I am still trying to identify! I want more so badly and no one has been able to figure out what is was from photos. But aside from the varieties that we have planted, there is so much more information that can help you be more efficient and effective with your gardens.
Your journal can be simple or fancy. It is more important that you organize your journal according to your needs. A basic notebook or three ring binder works just fine. Of course you can purchase a journal already formatted for general use. If you are just getting started gardening a simple notebook to record everything might be the best way to start. Eventually you will want to organize something more personal. If you have never kept a garden journal, considering some of the many ideas for organization and what to record will help you to set up the best system for your gardens. Just be sure to keep it simple enough to maintain year after year. Complicated systems are often abandoned.
Journal Supply Ideas
Let ease of use, size of your gardens and your personal preferences guide your selection of garden journal supplies. Remember that you will likely take your journal with you to the gardens, so perhaps you will want it to be splash and mud resistant. And you don’t want things falling out of the journal so make sure you don’t have to just slip things between pages. These are some items to consider using to organize your information.
Computer spreadsheet
Computer or phone app journal
Basic spiral notebook
3 ring binder with plastic sleeves
Bound system that allows for adding and moving pages
Purchase garden journal pre organized
Additional items that can help you organize the information:
Calendar pages
Graph paper for garden layouts
Pocket pages or small envelopes affixed to pages to save plant tags or receipts
Photo sleeves to save seed packets
Permanent markers to make nots on plastic sleeves
What to Track in a Garden Journal
Spring and Fall frost dates
Property sketch including notation of sun in each season, wind and heat exposure
Exact plant varieties purchased, date, price and source
Specific planting location of each variety
Flowering times to plan continuous blooms
Garden plans, layouts and adjustments
Plant performance, success and failure
List of aggressive or disease prone plants to avoid
List of plants to add in the future, where and why
Plant maintenance schedules
Plant division schedules and records
To Do Next Year! notes
Planting dates and harvest schedules for vegetables
Vegetable bed layout each year to track rotation
Pruning schedules for shrubs and trees
Plant performance and weather influences on performance each year
Maintenance notes including soil amendments, fertilizing, pruning
Record of insect and disease problems and effectiveness of actions
Plant costs (totals may be shocking!)
Maintenance supply costs
Photos of each garden area in different seasons and as it progresses each year
Organizing Formats for your Garden Journal
New journal each year with running information
Subject Sections i.e.; seeds, plants, maintenance, photos…..
Garden areas subdivided into subject sections
Card/recipe card files
With a little thought and experimentation you will figure out the best method for you. I use a journal my sons gave me one Mother’s Day. I organize by garden areas and log everything by year within the sections. Affixing plant tags and catalog clippings of plants ordered makes it quick and easy with a visual reference to all my plants. I leave room to make some notes about performance. I try to keep things neat, but things get a little messy sometimes in a busy spring. It’s all in there somewhere though!
Experiment with plant positioning with removable sheets
Identify where everything is planted
Note problems and changes for next year
Tape in catalog descriptions and make notes